Sencillamente Martí (Simply Martí)

¡Qué bello! Beautiful voice, fabulous compositions. Lyrics by José Martí set to music by living composers: Cuba’s piano maestro Huberal Herrera and Cuban American maestro Professor Aurelio de la Vega, plus one song by Cuban composer Harold Gramatges.

Liner Notes

Cinco Canciones Cubanas con Poemas de José Martí.

Huberal Herrera (1929 – ), compositor

  1. En el alféizar calado
  2. Rima II
  3. Rima V
  4. Rima VI
  5. Por tus ojos encendidos

Ana María Ruimonte, soprano y castañuelas

Huberal Herrera, piano

Alan Lewine, contrabajo (1, 4)


Tríptico Martiano.

Harold Gramatges (1918 – 2008), compositor

  1. III. ¡Penas!

Ana María Ruimonte, soprano

Mayté Aboy, piano


Canciones Transparentes.

Aurelio de la Vega (1925 –  ), compositor

  1. Si ves un monte de espumas
  2. Qué es el amor
  3. Dos patrias
  4. Yo sueño con los ojos abiertos
  5. Cultivo una rosa blanca

Ana María Ruimonte, soprano

Mayté Aboy, piano

Flavia Méndez, clarinete

Alejandro Rodríguez, violonchelo


Textos de José Martí (1853-1895)

Producido por Alan Lewine para Owlsong Productions Inc.

Grabado por Adalberto “Berty” Hernández, PM Records, Vedado, La Habana, Cuba, Marzo 2018

y Jay Levin & Doug Raus, Turtle Studios, Filadelfia Sur, Estados Unidos

Mezclado y masterizado por Alfred Goodrich, Silvertone Studios, Ardmore, Estados Unidos

Diseño gráfico por Kristy Hinds, HindSight Design, Albuquerque, Estados Unidos.

© 2019, Owlsong Productions Inc.  All rights reserved.


More information at the Owlsong and websites and facebook accounts.

Sencillamente Martí by Ana Maria Ruimonte

© 2020 Owlsong Productions Inc. Lyrics from the poetry of José Martí is are the public domain. All rights reserved.
Thanks to the SGAE Foundation of Spain for their help in the promotion and distribution of this CD.
Ana María Ruimonte Owlsong Productions Inc.

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Press photo by Jorge Cruz. La Habana 2018.

Left to right: Huberal Herrera, Ana María Ruimonte, Zorimé Caturla, Galy Martín, Luis Manuel Molina, Mayté Aboy, Vicente Monterrey, Alejandro Rodríguez. (Not pictured: Alan Lewine)

Part of The Era of Modernism

Lyrics Of The Songs

Five Cuban Songs with Poems by José Martí

Music by Huberal Herrera
Lyrics from the Versos Libres and Versos Sencillos

Transparent Songs

Music by Aurelio de la Vega
(Lyrics from Martí’s Versos Sencillos. Freely translated by the composer, Aurelio de la Vega)

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